Gridd v1.1.18 update

Today we released version 1.1.18 of the Gridd Theme. This version includes several bugfixes, accessibilility improvements and other small tweaks.



  • Removed duplicate comments link.
  • Changed default values for some options for more reasonable results when the theme is first installed.
  • Improved content-width calculation when using em or ch units.
  • Navigation styling (wrong css-vars used for 2nd navigation).
  • Coding Standards fixes
  • Improved accessible styles for default links and menus.
  • Vertical scollbars for mobile navigation containers.


  • Improved default font stack.
  • Improved css-variables names.
  • Refactored the changelog following principles from
  • Removed backup-fonts styles. They are no longer needed since google-fonts are not served via Google’s CDN.
  • Improved default link styles for better accessibility.
  • Changed the move/resize icon for grid-parts inside the grid control.


  • New header-padding option.
  • Upgrader implementation to handle future option changes.
  • Checkboxes to enable/disable custom typography options.
  • New option to allow users to disable editor styles.


  • Edit link from post titles.

Gridd-Plus update

As always this update is accompanied by an update to the Gridd-Plus plugin.

v1.0.7 of gridd-plus includes code changes to ensure compatibility with the updated version of the Gridd theme, and also includes the 5.8.4 update for Advanced Custom Fields Pro.